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Community Supported Agriculture

Wild Willow Farm is excited to welcome you to our self-guided tour!

Follow the signs around the farm and  learn about each landmark along the way. Thank you to local Chula Vista High School students for helping to create content for each QR code! 


What is Community Supported Agriculture?


One definition of community-supported agriculture (CSA) is a community of individuals who pledge support to a farm operation so that the farmland becomes the community farm. Typically, members or "share-holders" of the farm or garden pledge in advance to cover the anticipated costs of the farm operation and the farmer's salary. In return, they receive shares in the farm's bounty throughout the growing season, as well as satisfaction gained from reconnecting to the land and participating directly in food production. Although CSAs take many forms, all have at their center a shared commitment to building a more local and equitable agricultural system. CSA farmers typically use organic or biodynamic farming methods and strive to provide fresh, high-quality foods.


Families make choices every day that affect the environment and their health. One way to make a significant impact and vote with your pocketbook is to sign up for a community-supported agriculture box delivery. These  CSA boxes are filled with delicious, seasonal fruits and vegetables grown at local organic farms. This type of program creates a new vision for agriculture. One of the main ideas behind CSA is to develop an economy where you produce locally and consume locally. This makes a big impact on the freshness and quality of the food you eat, as well as reducing your carbon footprint.


This is contrasted to industrial agriculture where farming is remote from the average person, where you don’t know where your food comes from, or how it’s grown. CSA is a new idea in farming that has been gaining popularity since the 1980s. It grew out of consumers' need for safe food and farmers who were seeking stable markets for their crops. Most CSAs offer a diversity of vegetables, fruits, and herbs in season; some even provide products such as eggs, meat, and milk. Some farms offer a single commodity, or team up with others so that members receive goods on a more nearly year-round basis. Some are dedicated to serving particular community needs, such as helping to enfranchise homeless persons.


  • Reduction of CO2 emissions needed for transportation and refrigeration

  • Reduced groundwater pollution from pesticides and fertilizers

  • Local access to fresh produce

  • Localize economic gain

  • Promote positive community relationships

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